New Jersey Xiangqi Association 新泽西象棋协会
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NJ Xiangqi Events 新泽西象棋协会活动

2021/12/18-19 New Jersey New Jersey Open 新州网络象棋公开赛 为传承和弘扬中华传统文化,促进新州广大象棋爱好者的棋艺交流,新泽西象棋协会于2021年12月18日和19日举办网络象棋公开赛。这次比赛在疫情期间成功地通过网络在天天象棋的手机游戏平台进行,为今后组织类似的活动积累了宝贵的经验。经过五轮单循环的激烈角逐,孙儒林,李海山和曹国梁分别获得成年组前三名。杜立昂(12岁),张子铭(13岁)和邓童(9岁)分别获得少儿组前三名。Adult group top three winners: Rulin Sun, Haishan Li and Guoliang Cao. Children group top three winners: Liang Du, Ziming Zhang and Tong Deng.
2014/08/30-31 Chinatown, New York 纽约唐人街 New York Open 纽约象棋公开赛 32 players (6 from New Jersey) attended this tournament. Michael Hu ended 5th place. 32 名象棋高手参赛(其中新州6名选手). 新州胡全獲第5名
2013/12/15 Plainsboro Center 普林斯堡中心 2013 Asian Food Market Cup NJ Youth Xiangqi/Chess Open Tournament 2013美東超市杯青少年公开赛 We will have 3 age groups. All participants play both Xiangqi and Chess. Tournament starts at 3pm. 12月15日3:00pm开赛.分13-16岁,9-12岁,5-8岁三个年龄组. 棋手同时下象棋和国际象棋.
2013/11/03,10,17 Plainsboro Center 普林斯堡中心&胡知宇律师所 2013 Zhiyu Cup NJOpen 2013知宇杯象棋公开赛 Welcome any Xiangqi fan join us. This year we will use North American Cup time setting. Tournament start at 1pm on Nov 3! MENG Jian won Champion and $400 prize. CHEN Yeyang ended the second place. 欢迎棋友参赛. 将于11月3日1:00pm开赛. 孟健榮獲知宇杯和$400奖金,陳烨旸亚军.
2013/10/13(1:30-3pm) Plainsboro Center 普林斯堡中心 Simul exhibit and Seminar 车轮表演赛,讲座 Welcome you to have a simul game with NJ top players. Game winners will get a big magnetic Xiangqi board as an encouragement. Have fun! 曾获新州象棋冠亚军的两位棋手胡全和孙儒林先生将在家长休息室免费和大家下车轮战, 也作为下周华夏智力运动会的热身赛。喜欢象棋的家长欢迎抽空前去挑战。赛后复盘,互相学习,以棋会友. 胜者将获一副大磁性象棋以作鼓励.
2013/08/03-04,2013/08/10-11, 2013 Chinatown, NY 纽约唐人街东方书局 GM HU Ronghua Four-Day Training Program 特级大师胡荣华四天象棋培训班 We thank Mr. Collin Zheng of New York X.A. for organizing this great event. GM Hu will give lectures and play simultaneous games with students. There will also a small tournament among participants. 感谢纽约郑勤霖先生组织主办的这次讲座。胡大师将授课答疑及车轮战,学员可以参加一个有奖选拔赛。胡大师乃一代宗师,机不可失。
2013/06/09 12pm-5pmEdison Center 爱迪生中心 Kam Man Cup New Jersey Tournament 新州金门杯快棋赛 MA Cheng is the new champion! Michael Hu, Oscar Peng, Jeff Wang,Allen Yan, and Haisan Li ended 2-6th places. 冠军马成 ,胡全/彭佳文/王能家/严哲鹏/李海山 / 为2-6名。
6/2/2013, 3pm-5pmEdison Center 爱迪生中心 热身擂台赛 Welcome you to have a simul game with NJ top players. You can spend as much time as you wish. Game winner will get a small gift certificate. 欢迎您参加与新洲高手进行热身攻擂、限时模拟比赛 ,参与者均有礼物赠送。
2013/5/26, 2013/6/2/Chinatown, New York 纽约唐人街 New York Xiangqi Invitational Match 纽约象棋名手邀请赛 We thank Mr. Collin Zheng for organizing this high level tournament. 8 participants are top players from East Cost. After 6 rounds on two Sundays, MENG Jian was the champion by 5 wins 1 draw, HU Michael the 2nd place by 5 wins 1 lose. 感谢郑勤霖先生组织并邀请我们参加了这次高水平的比赛,8名参赛者都是美东地区的顶级选手。经过6轮两个周末的赛程,孟健以五胜一平荣获冠军,新洲选手胡全以五胜一负夺得亚军。 Paring Rules 编排规则