New Jersey Xiangqi Association 新泽西象棋协会
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NJXA Objectives and Activities 新州象棋協會目標及活動:
Xiangqi is an ancient Chinese board game. It's very popular in Asia and is gaining popularity in Europe and North America. It has more than 500 millions fans worldwide. NJXA is a not-for-profit organization. The main purpose of the NJXA is to promote xiangqi among the next generation and the community in the state of New Jersey. Additional activities of NJXA are: 中國象棋是一項古老的民間遊戲,廣泛流行於東南亞各國。即使是在歐洲及北美國家也深受喜愛。在世界上擁有超過2億的愛好者。本協會是非营利机构. 本協會的主要目標是在新澤西州培養年輕一代的象棋選手,促進各族裔間的象棋交流。另外我們將
  • To accept members without any discrimination of age, race, sex, nationality, profession, religion, etc. There is no membership fee to pay. 任何人都有资格成为会员, 不分年龄,种族,性别,国籍,职业,宗教等. 会员不用交会费。
  • To become one of the best Xiangqi associations in North America. 努力让新州棋會發展成北美最好的象棋協會之一;
  • To help members increase Xiangqi skills. 通過各種比賽和讲座,提高會員的象棋技能;
  • To organize different Xiangqi activities, such as semainars, tournaments, etc.
  • To communicate and cooperate with other associations through Xiangqi activities. 組織各種不同規模的象棋活動,加強與其他棋會之間的交流;
  • To enhance friendship and understanding among xiangqi fans and players of all nations. 增加象棋趣味,培養更多的象棋愛好者加入到我們的隊伍當中。